Unwind trauma, release deep emotional blocks and rewire your nervous system for safety, connection and authentic expression.

Get your free Trigger Insight Journal

All change begins with awareness. Identify the biggest triggers and emotional issues impacting your life, their relationship to recurring patterns and unwanted behaviour and get started on resolving the root cause of the struggles you face today.

"The quieter you become,
the more you can hear."

Ram Dass

Hey, I’m Maraya...

I’m a trauma-trained somatic therapist, transpersonal arts therapist, mindfulness educator and certified coach.

If you've found your way here, you're likely already on a path of healing and growth, but you’re seeking support to address some deeper issues affecting your relationships, psychological, physical or emotional health.

Maybe you are:

  • Facing recurring challenges in relationships

  • Feel disconnected from yourself and others

  • Don’t feel safe in your body

  • Navigating a life crisis and need support to cope and heal

  • Dealing with anxiety, stress or burnout

  • Managing chronic health issues

  • Feeling trapped in unhealthy coping strategies such as overeating, overworking etc. or feel stuck in cycles of self-sabotage

Or, you may have recently realised that trauma or deeper emotional material may be at the root of your challenges, and previous therapy or coaching has only taken you so far.

Whatever brings you here, know that all of you is welcome, and although challenging, I want to reassure you that your current circumstances are a pathway into deeper healing, integration and wholeness, and you don’t have to navigate this alone.


Life can be tough right?

From the time we are born things happen that are out of our control, and they impact us. The question is how do we manage the impact?

Many of us weren’t taught the skills to allow the impact of life events to pass through us without holding on, and we accumulate life stressors as we grow, forming a foundation for later symptoms that appear in our physical, emotional, psychological and relational life.

When seeking support, we can either work at the level of symptoms, or the level of causation. I’m here to help you address the root cause
of what is driving the problematic thoughts, feelings, behaviours and symptoms you are seeking help for.

Trauma and unresolved emotional wounding from the past leave an injury and lasting imprint on the nervous system that most traditional therapies don’t address. When unintegrated, these imprints can lead to chronic dysregulation that is often at the root of the physical, emotional, psychological and relational symptoms or challenges we seek help for.

To stop managing symptoms and achieve lasting transformation, we need to work with the foundations. Meet our challenges on an emotional and physical level, addressing both the mind and the body, integrating our emotions and unwinding the unresolved stress held somatically to restore balance to the nervous system, and the entire body-mind.

We do this by turning our mindful attention toward the body, and learning how to ‘be with’,
feel and release all that our body is holding. The end result is that we end up feeling a lot better.

Most people reach out for support to find ways to help them feel better, but in my work transformation comes from
getting better at feeling’.

Embodied Mindfulness, Awareness, Presence

"Healing isn’t about ‘fixing’ ourselves,
but about discovering the inherent
wholeness that lies within."

Matt Licatta

My approach..

Using a unique blend of mindful, somatic and trauma-informed practices, drawn from multiple modalities, my approach involves more than just addressing symptoms; it’s about completely transforming your physiology and your relationship to yourself.

By combining the latest neuroscience on trauma and the nervous system, with the deep roots of ancient wisdom and contemplative traditions, sessions are individually tailored and exploratory, gently guiding you inwards on an experiential journey into the body to meet your own inner wisdom and somatic intelligence, and the places in you that need integration.

Together we explore this inner terrain and empower you with the skills required to meet your direct experience with compassion, curiosity, kindness and respect, releasing all that keeps you stuck in recurring unhelpful patterns.

With consistency we grow your capacity to inquire into and stay with your full somatic experience, both in sessions and in your daily life, slowly nurturing you into a more embodied, regulated, present, authentic and resourced way of being in the world.

Whatever has happened in your life, know that you can heal.

I support people with the therapy and coaching they need to; 

( 1 )

Unwind and release the trauma and core survival adaptations that have them stuck in recurring patterns that impact their physical, psychological, relational and emotional wellbeing.

( 2 )

Develop a compassionate, sacred and loving relationship with their body, heart and
true self.

( 3 )

Cultivate the capacity to feel and befriend the full spectrum of their feelings and emotions. (Make space for grief, process anger, fear, longing, abandonment, unravel shame, reconnect with joy etc.)  

( 4 )

Develop a deeper experience of embodiment, presence and connection with their true self.

( 5 )

Access inner wisdom, intuition and connection with their soul/spirit.

( 6 )

Release the stored survival stress contributing to chronic nervous system dysregulation to create a foundation for optimum health and wellbeing.

"To heal is to touch with love that which we previously touched with fear."

Stephen Levine

Ready to make a change?
Book a free,
casual connection call

If you are feeling the call to do the deeper healing,
I would love to connect with you.

Book a very casual complimentary 30 minute call where we can discuss your individual needs, you can learn about my approach and what I offer in terms of sessions, programs, tools and resources, and together we can determine the best way forward for you.